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"Surely We have revealed it -an Arabic Quran- that you may understand."

- The Holy Quran [12:2]

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Light Upon Light!

Our Weekly Course

Registrations Open!

Tafseer -
Al-Qurtubi's Al Jami Li Ahkam Al Quran
This class aims to introduce the audience to an amazing tafseer that is only available in the Arabic language, the content will be delivered in the English language where we will categorically go through the verses and discuss the different aspects and meanings which the Imam has mentioned in his tafseer. The verses which will be covered in this tafseer are all those where Allah calls out to the believers;

(يأيها الذين آمنوا ……)
“Oh you who believe….”

Hadith -
Imam Nawawi's 40 Hadith
The prophetic sayings of the Messenger of Allah is something that every believer who claims to love the Messenger of Allah aspires to hear and understand.

In this course we will cover the famous collection of Imam Al Nawawi. These 40 hadeeth which were selected by the Imam himself form the basis and are a primal source for the pricipals of religion. Many have said that this selection of 40 hadeeth are encompassing of the ideals of Islam.

History - Ibn Kathir's Al Bidayah Wa Al Nihaya
Allah says in the Quran:
“So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought.”
[Surah 6:187]

In these lessons, we will cover the history of mankind, from the creation of Adam until the present day. The relied upon guide for this series will be Ibn Kathir’s Al Bidayah Wa Al Nihaya

  • Live! 3 Days a Week
  • Access to All Previous Lessons
  • Lessons via Zoom
  • Currently Accepting Students
  • Cancel Anytime

Our Courses

I run my home and an optometry practice.Islam without borders made it possible through lessons online via Zoom. The course content is enjoyable and the teacher is excellent! Arabic is a universal language and the benefits are vast.

Rehana M.3rd Semester

Reading the Qur'an has become more meaningful as I am now able to recognise grammatical structures which makes it easier to understand some of the verses. I found the lessons so interesting that I decided to pursue the next course!

Rahima V.2nd Semester

This course has provided me with the tools to master the Arabic language. I enjoyed it so much that I continued and I am now in semester 2!

Rashida J.2nd Semester

Even though I’m not that far in my studies, I have learnt much more in the past 8 months than I did in all other institutions in total. I absolutely love reading the Qur'an now that I am able to pick up little by little.

Farzaana V.1st Semester

A must for EVERYONE to: improve Khushoo' in Salaah, understand duas and adhkaar, and most importantly understand Qur'an and Sunnah. An excellent Arabic course for beginners as well as those who have been previously tutored in the Arabic Language.

Ahmad L.1st Semester

Learning Arabic at Islam without Borders with Shaykh Muhammad Kalla is absolutely brilliant and easy. The content is easy to follow and instructor is passionate about teaching which is all the motivation I need.

Zeenat S.1st Semester

Islam without Borders offers a well thought out and structured set of lessons in the Arabic language.

Hajra A.1st Semester

Don't Take Our Word For It

Meet Your Instructor

🇿🇦Sheikh Muhammad Kalla was born in Polokwane, South Africa. He memorised the Holy Quran while still at school under Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas Patel.

🕋  He completed school in 2007 and was accepted at the Islamic University of Madinah in the period 2010/2011.

⚖️ He completed his Diploma in Arabic as well as a BA in Islamic Law from the faculty of Shariah. He has also studied privately under numerous scholars in Madinah as well as attaining an Ijazah from the Haraam in the narration of Hafs ān Asim.

🎓 After graduating he returned to Polokwane where he teaches at the Islamic school and runs Islam without Borders as an online platform for learning. He also regularly delivers the Jumuah Khutbah at various masaajid locally.